Dog breeding of the Rhodesian Ridgebacks started in 1997 with a bitch who later achieved fame under her alias SIMBA: Kidojo Ajabu Busara established a dynasty that spans four generations by now. Simba and later her daughter, Red Shaka, had excellent offspring, with several of them making national and international champions – there was even a European Champion among them. The chosen sires have always been excellent dogs and always international champions. Mated to one of these, Aresvuma Kabiri, our bitch AISHA (owned by Elisabeth Auer) followed in the footsteps of her dam Red Shaka and grand dam with her three litters she had in her career: some of the youngsters have already achieved the first show successes of their own. Two of her wonderful daughters with KABIRI as father, SIMBA II (owned by Dr. Maria Teresa Ferretti) and LEILAH (owned by Monika Savier), remained in our farm.